Dear colleagues,
After the international knee day has established as a big worldwide online congress, we would like to expand this concept.
We founded the International Knee Academy and we want to to provide every colleague around the world the possibility to graduate basic and advanced courses in the field of knee surgery. With this format you can pursure international experts from all over the world.
The courses can be joint live and also on demand afterwards.
We started with an basic osteotomy course and will continue with a basic arthoscopy course in April.
We look forward to meeting you and share all our expertise together.
Best regards
Wolf Petersen, Sven Scheffler, Thomas Stoffels, Thore Zantop
Congress Compact 2C GmbH
Gina Isemann, Anne Klein, Sarah Koprowski
Joachimsthaler Strasse 31-32
10719 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 88727370
Fax: +49 30 887273710